No Thanks

My sister has been going through her attic, trying to clear it out for the inevitable day when it’s going to be time to move out of the home she’s lived in for 40 years.  She recently sent me this photo: She thinks it’s our great-aunt’s, inherited by our mother. ...

Gone, Gone, Gone

Forty years ago, I was standing in a small auction gallery in New Jersey with a paddle in my hand.  I was there to bid on a painting of children by a lake by the American Impressionist, Edward Dufner (1872-1957).  Born in Buffalo, Dufner enrolled in art classes at the...


In this time when the world seems full of darkness, both natural and political, I have been distracting myself by reading Orlando Whitfield’s new book All That Glitters: A Story of Friendship, Fraud, and Fine Art (Pantheon Press).  The fraud was committed by...

Clean, Luminous, and Merciless

Leaving aside the World War II years, which were more than just an “era,” there have been two periods in the past hundred years that have caught the popular imagination.  The more recent was the Sixties in America, particularly the Summer of Love in 1968. ...

Old Guys

I ran into Robert Simon at an Appraisers Association reception recently. Bob is one of the preeminent dealers of Old Master art in America, and I took the opportunity to ask him about the current state of the Old Master Market. I was surprised, though I shouldn’t have...

What To Do With Norman?

When Norman Rockwell died in 1978, Time Magazine art critic Robert Hughes briefly discussed the artist’s place in American art.  Hughes acknowledged that Rockwell in his last years had moved beyond the soda-fountain-American-flag-and-Mom’s-apple-pie subject matter...